Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

We played at the lake and had a great time until we met the lakes finest...

Heather was the lucky one to catch their eye. Come on who wouldn't notice two cute girls on a bright red jetski? Well we were about to make a quick getaway (just kidding we wouldn't leave Heather) when the police boat came to Justin's boat. We had a few violations but got off on all of them! Note to self...Stay away from the lake on the 4th of July!

Here is the happy crew of kids (Andy?) waiting for the fireworks at Todd and Abby's house!



BLnKMcH said...

Lookin like an old fuzzy man now eh andy? Gavin's so chubby! & his eyes have girly lashes in the corners. He is just so cute! I can't believe how blonde all your kids are. Who tiedyed the shirts? That's so awesome!

A & C Hickson said...

Emma and I made the tie dye shirts for the kids!