Monday, June 1, 2009

Gavin Gray Hickson

Gavin Gray Hickson was born March 29, 2009, eight days after his due date, Mar. 21st. He was 9lbs 8oz., much bigger than my other two. I was convinced he was coming a week early like Haley and Cash but he tricked me and waited to come a week late. I went into labor at 4am Sunday morning and had him at 1:30pm that afternoon. It was a beautiful spring day and my doctor was not on call. He was trimming hedges and came in anyway. The labor went fast probably because we were anticipating what it was going to be. I am an advocate for an epidural free labor (maybe because Andy and my nurse were so awesome!) and will do it again when we decide to have another baby. Gavin is great and just goes with the flow. We love him and are so glad he's here healthy and strong!


Melanie said...

Look how sweet and darling he is! Love the pics of your kids with him. It's always such a special time those first few weeks with a new baby and older sibblings being fascinated. Hope I can see you and him soon!

Shannon E. said...

Gavin is SO handsome and precious. I am so happy for your family! A sweet little newborn is a little piece of heaven. Congrats on your natural birth as well, what an amazing experience!

Hunter Family said...

What a beautiful new baby. Congratulations! I am so excited for you. Epidural free labor - WHAT! You are a brave, brave girl. Either that or I am a major baby - most likely me being a baby!