Friday, April 11, 2008

Prayer of a child

Wow what a storm! It came through like a ravenous lion and the next day was completely calm like a lamb. The pictures show our neighbors backyard on both sides of us. Four backyards were joined after the storm. And apparently the wind decided it didn't like where our ac unit was placed because it moved it a bit too. So with the fences down our little Ginger escaped (or was picked up with the wind--I'm not joking it could've happened) and left us all so distraught. At 3:30 Haley, Cash and I were huddled together saying a prayer that Andy would find Ginger as he went out looking for her (after the huge wind blew through.) At 4am he had his flashlight around his head talking to all the other neighbors that were up at the crazy hour. He gave up after walking the street a few times and we got an hour of sleep. We were posting signs and talking to all the neighbors early the next morning and Haley just kept saying prayers Ginger would come home. I know Heavenly Father heard her prayer and ours because through the neighborhood hot line we found her. I really like that dog and didn't know how much I did until she was missing for so long. We are so glad our Ginger came home to us, that we are all safe and only have minimal damage.


Lori Ellsworth said...

Oh, we're so glad you found Ginger! That was one crazy night for sure!

ATT Hickson said...

What a good lesson on the power of prayers for Haley! I'm so glad that your family is whole again with Ginger back. Yeah!

Hunter Family said...

Christine - I got your blog address from your mom. I love it. It is so fun to see your cute family. I hope that all is treating you well and I really hope that I can see you the next time you are home. Love ya and miss ya!
PS: we're at or I would love to hear from you!

Xela said...

I heard you had lost your dog, I am so glad to know you found her, that was a crazy storm, that is one thing I do not like about Texas! :)

Lauren said...

We thought we lost Howie one time and it is horrible! I'm so sorry you had to go through that! But, I'm glad she's back with y'all and safe and sound.

What a crazy, stormy night that was indeed! I saw a trampoline in a tree from the last one we had like that!

Lanae said...

Don't feel bad, but I still look at your blog, even though it has been almost 2 MONTHS! HA! HA!

Melanie said...

ok chris, we need updates!! lol!! how are you and your cute family doing??