Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Tucker Leland Hickson

Wahooo! He's here! Tucker was born on May 17 at 11:41pm! Contractions started at 8 pm and I started walking around the block. I only made it a 2 blocks and decided I needed to go home and shower to get ready. After showering I told Andy we needed to leave soon. Connie was on her way and we left (kids were home sleeping and Connie arrived minutes after we left!) When we got to the hospital the doors were locked and we were told to go to the ER. I was not going to make it so there was a security guard who let us in and we got into the room at 11:19 and was dilated at and 8. My water broke within minutes and that baby was coming! My doctor walked in at 11:39 just in enough time to catch the baby at 11:41! It was fast! We are so happy he's here and healthy!


Lauren said...

Wonderful, Chris! He is beautiful! I'm so happy for y'all and can't wait to come meet him!

Gordon, Jamie, Evelyn, Claire and Bonnie said...

Congrats! I was wondering when the little baby was going to make an appearance!! Congrats on the boy and he's really cute!

jenhatch said...

Seriously?!?!? Your body TOTALLY knows what to do! That's awesome! Congrats! Your kids are so cute!!

Heidi said...

I am impressed ... You don't mess around when the time comes!! He is snuggle perfect!

Lusks in LOVE said...

holy moly Chris!!! that's some goooood timing! I can't wait to meet the little guy. I LOVE his name:) He's so cute!