Saturday, October 10, 2009


We made little kleenex ghosts, hung our giant web and spider and now we're getting our costumes ready for Halloween! What fun to do with the little fireballs of energy! We made these scary cat faces and Haley and Cash held them to their own face like the picture shows and made loud hissing sounds while crashing into one another! Fun for a rainy day!


Lanae said...

Awesome Chris! Her hair looks very healthy! Glad you had a good day. I love ya lots! Exclamation city

ATT Hickson said...

Makes me excited to do the Halloween bats for FHE! - PS, Haley's hair looks cute from the back!

lorraine McHargue said...

wow, I'm so excited to see the little scary kitties. Haley, your hair is adorable and it looks just like your mothers did when she was your age. love ya:)

kim said...

I want to come play at your house! It looks like you are doing some great halloween projects! I miss you guys!

Lusks in LOVE said...

how fun chris! hey girl- how do I email you?!